City | Address | More Info |
100 Mile House | Telephone: (250) 398-4301
Fax: (250) 398-4459
Staffed: No
Abbotsford | Telephone: (604) 855-3200
Fax: (604) 855-3232
Monday - Friday
9am - 4pm
Staffed: Yes
Anahim Lake | Telephone: (250) 398-4301
Fax: (250) 398-4459
Staffed: No
Atlin | Telephone: (250) 651-7595
Fax: (250) 651-7707
Staffed: No
Bella Bella | Staffed: No
Bella Coola | Staffed: No
Burns Lake | Telephone: (250) 692-7711
Fax: (250) 692-7150
Monday - Friday
9am - 4pm
Staffed: Yes
Castlegar | Telephone: (250) 354-6165
Staffed: No
Chetwynd | Telephone: (250) 784-2278
Fax: (250)784-2218
Staffed: No
Chilliwack | Telephone: 604-795-8350
Monday - Friday
9am - 4pm
Staffed: Yes
Court Locations
Find the Court location nearest you using our integrated Google Maps followed by a list of each location and its correspondent address details. If you find any issues with the information provided, don’t hesitate to contact us here.
J.O. Wilson Square 250 George Street
Telephone: 250-492-1231
Fax: 250-492-1378
Telephone: 250-356-1478
Telephone: 250-638-2111
Telephone: 250-362-7368
Telephone: 250-992-4256
Telephone: 250-624-7525
Telephone: 250-614-2700
Telephone: 250-720-2419
Telephone: 604-660-8522
Fax: Criminal: 604-660-8512 Civil: 604-515-4280
Telephone: 250-716-5902