Personal Injury Claims

Last Reviewed: July, 2023 Reviewed by: JES Contributors

If you are claiming damages for injury to yourself, the maximum amount of your claim must be $35,000. In addition to the Notice of Claim form, you must also file a Certificate of Readiness. The certificate must:

personal injury claims in small claims court bc
  • Say that you are willing to discuss settling the entire claim at a settlement conference
  • Be filed within 6 months of the date you served the Notice of Claim
  • Have attached to it all medical and other reports and records that you intend to rely on to prove your claim for expenses and losses
  • Be served with copies of all the attached documents to the other parties, usually ICBC

If necessary, you can ask the court to extend the six-month time limit by making an Application to a Registrar. This application may be made either before or after the initial deadline has expired. If you are the claimant, be aware that the respondent can apply to a judge and ask that you attend a medical doctor for an examination at your expense.

Under 19

If you are under 19 years old and involved in a personal injury claim, the adult assisting you as your litigation guardian must use a lawyer and must have the consent of the Public Guardian and Trustee to settle any claim or abandon part of a claim

Learn More

Infant Settlements from the Public Guardian and Trustee of BC

Read the Rules

Rule 7 (9-11) - Certificate to be filed in a personal injury case

Rule 16 (2)(c) - Application to a registrar

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